InfraLife happily hosted SciLifeLab members from all over Sweden at ESS and MAX IV. The delegation got to see the infrastructures from the inside, learn about their potential in life science research and connect with one another.
The program included a tour of European Spallation Source in full PPE, a tour of MAX IV and a mingle in the lovely MAX IV lunch room where ESS director of science Giovanna Fragneto and MAX IV director of life science Marjolein Thunnissen presented the potential of the research infrastructures with interesting cases and examples.
SciLifeLab was represented by leadership, Sites, Capabilities, Data center, Training hub, Operations Office and infrastructure.
Thank you all tour guides at ESS, Esko Oksanen, Carina Lobley, Giovanna Fragneto and at MAX IV, Marc Obiols, Olof “Charlie” Karis, Magnus Larsson, Thomas Ursby and Heidi La Grasta.
Read SciLifeLab news here: “SciLifeLab visits ESS and MAX IV”, Oct 4 2023.