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Josefin Lundgren

Industry Case: The Swedish NMR-Centre, part of SciLifeLab – a Crucial Asset for SARomics Biostructures’ Drug Discovery Services

SARomics Biostructures, a Swedish company providing structural biology and drug discovery services worldwide, relies on the access to state-of-the-art NMR spectrometers and related services at… Read More »Industry Case: The Swedish NMR-Centre, part of SciLifeLab – a Crucial Asset for SARomics Biostructures’ Drug Discovery Services

Industry case: SciLifeLab Infrastructure A Prerequisite for Key2Brain’s Development of Antibody Fragments for Brain Transport of Therapeutics

The infrastructure at SciLifeLab is a prerequisite for Key2Brain’s operations. The start-up company Key2Brain develops small antibody fragments which, when coupled with other proteins or… Read More »Industry case: SciLifeLab Infrastructure A Prerequisite for Key2Brain’s Development of Antibody Fragments for Brain Transport of Therapeutics