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A central role for research infrastructures in life science 

Development of national research infrastructure is of utmost importance to Sweden’s as a strong life science nation. The InfraLife project gathers Sweden’s large research infrastructures SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS. The report Stärkt fokus på framtidens forskningsinfrastruktur (SOU 2021:65) has gone through a referral process and during the government’s life science office´s yearly life science conference one of the sessions posed the question: Research and research infrastructure – Is national access/availability possible? InfraLife’s answer is YES!

Forskningsinfrastrukturernas centrala roll inom life science

Under senaste tid har forskningsinfrastrukturernas roll uppmärksammats och diskuterats flitigt. Betänkandet Stärkt fokus på framtidens forskningsinfrastruktur (SOU 2021:65) har besvarats med remissyttranden och Life Science kontoret har arrangerat årlig life science konferens.

Antibiotic research pushed forward by use of large infrastructures

Robert Schnell is a scientist at Karolinska Institute focusing on development of novel antibiotic candidates. He has used both SciLifeLab and MAX IV laboratory infrastructures in a multifaceted project addressing the problem of infectious diseases in the context of the silent pandemic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).