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SciLifeLab’s Planetary Biology conference on “Linking molecules to ecosystems” 

From Exchange Dialogues to invited speakers at conferences; how Environmental research at SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS are being connected through InfraLife

One of the goals of InfraLife is to increase the knowledge and usage of Sweden’s large-scale research infrastructures in Life Science, while also fostering collaboration between SciLifeLab, MAX IV and ESS; a recent event in Gothenburg was a great example of this.

Check out the SciLifeLab video from the event, where the collaboration between SciLifeLab and MAX IV is highlighted. 

In December 2023, InfraLife hosted an Exchange Dialogue focused on Environmental Research , which is a format we use for connecting those with similar research interests at the three infrastructures to promote collaboration and development. Representatives from SciLifeLab’s Planetary BiologyMAX IVESS and LINXS’ Environment and Climate theme presented themselves and discussed possible synergies. This discussion continued a few months later in person, where SciLifeLab’s Planetary Biology and LINXS visited MAX IV for a tour to see the relevant beamlines for Environmental research. 

Marius Tuyishime (MAX IV & Lund University) presenting.

Last week, SciLifeLab’s Planetary Biology capability hosted their first conference on “Linking molecules to ecosystems” which focused on how to use infrastructures in this field, on collaboration between attendees, and on obtaining input from the community about what focus areas are important for Planetary Biology. Leading on from the InfraLife connections, a speaker from MAX IV, Marius Tuyishime,  was invited to present “Application of X-ray spectroscopy methods in environmental research” in a session aptly names Novel cross-scale approaches. A detailed conference booklet was produced which is availble to download on the event page, providing more information about all of the speakers, abstracts from the posters and the Planetary Biology capability.

Claire Lyons presenting a InfraLife poster.

InfraLife Project Coordinator, Claire Lyons, was in attendance at the conference where she presented a poster about the three infrastructures as well as flyers giving an overview of the capabilities at MAX IV and ESS for Environmental Research. 

Information flyers on environmental research possibilities at MAX IV and ESS.  (Relevant beamlines: SoftiMAXBalderNanoMAX and ForMAX)